
Vivliostyle Themes Gallery

This is a gallery of Vivliostyle Themes released as npm packages. Newly released themes are added here as soon as we find them, but if you find something that is not listed, please send an issue or pull request.

Official Vivliostyle Themes

Currently, there are five official themes.


It is suitable for Japanese vertical novels. It also supports ruby and horizontal-in-vertical composition (in Japanese, β€œηΈ¦δΈ­ζ¨ͺ”).

Theme-bunko sample image. The manuscript is 'Night on the Galactic Railroad'.


This is good for slide presentations. The style changes between the cover page and the general page.

Theme-slide sample image. On the left is the cover page with a blue background, and on the right is the general page with a white background.


A technical book designed with printing in mind (e.g., margins adjustment at the inside/outside margin). Source code and table of contents are also supported.

Sample images from theme-techbook. In addition to text, it has a table and source code.


This is suitable for reports written by students. Chapter and section numbers are automatically added.

Sample images from theme-academic. In addition to text, it contains diagrams and tables.


This is suitable for horizontal novels in English.


Sample image from theme-gutenberg. The manuscript is 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'.


Sample image from theme-gutenberg. The manuscript is 'White Fang'.


Sample image from theme-gutenberg. The manuscript is 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes'.

Unofficial Vivliostyle Themes

vivliostyle-theme dnd-5e-phb

Author: oldgeese

D&D 5e PHB theme for Vivliostyle


Author: yamasy1549

Academic theme (thesis)


Created by: yamasy1549

A style for annual report of National Institute of Technology, Akashi College (unofficial)